1. Vote for your Europe!

With a few clicks! - Here and now!

Image: Flag USE - Superpower USE!
EU supporters


 A. EU+ reinforced 

- Global Super Power USE!
- EU offensive Army!

- Humiliation of Russia!
- "Brussels" decides!
   Top-down! - Alone!


Image: Ballot A - More power to Brussels!
Image: Europe of EU opponents!
EU opponents!


 B. EU- weakened 

 - Back to the Nation State
   into the 19th century?

 - Global Cooperation!
 - Brexit+, War UKR/RU:

 - My Government decides!

Image: Ballot B - Brexit, all shall benefit!
Image: The Europe of all Europeans!
All Europeans!


C. EU* reformed      

- Common European House
  for all European Countries!

Our beacon for humanity!

- War, climate, refugees..

- WE decide by referendum!


Image: Ballot C - Citizens
Picture:  Personal ballot sheet!
Personal ballot sheet!


Please answer at least 
1 of the 11 questions of the questionnaire
(e.g. 4: Petition)!

Thank you! 



2. Fight for your Europe!

European Citizens' Revolt on-line! - With our Sword of Damocles! - With referenda!



1. Social media:

Tweet, post, like..!


Image: An avalanche of votes in our country for a new, diverse, democratic Europe - and for peace now! -  Foto: ARD
An avalanche of votes in our country!

2. Manifesto + Petiton:

Demonstrate + sign!


Adobe Acrobat Dokument 77.1 KB
Image: Citizens across Europe - unite!
Citizens across Europe - unite!

3. European Constitution:

For all European Countries!


Adobe Acrobat Dokument 205.9 KB
Bild:  Wir lancieren eine gewaltfreie Bürger-Revolte online! - Für unser neues, "schweizerisches" Europa! - Für Frieden, Freiheit, Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde! -  Jetzt!
Our new Europe of, with and for us citizens!