Climate, Corona, Refugees, War in Ukraine! - Crises are Chances! - Also for us!

Our new Europe

We Citizens throughout Europe can do it! - With the Ballot Sheet!



Image:  We are launching a non-violent Citizens' Revolt online! - For a new "swiss-like" Europe! - For Peace, Freedom, Human  Rights and Human Dignity! - With and for our children and grandchildren! - Empowered by our conscience alone! - Here and now!
We are launching a non-violent Citizens' Revolt online! - For a new "swiss-like" Europe! - For Peace, Freedom, Human Rights and Human Dignity! - With and for our children and grandchildren! - Empowered by our conscience alone! - Here and now!


Objective:  The Europe of, with and for all citizens!


1.   A diverse and democratic Europe, open to the whole worldin which we citizens decide in referenda, which questions we ourselves want to decide in referenda, especially on a new European Constitution, on the role of our country in Europe, on the entry of new Member Countries (e.g. Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Balkan States..), on the Euro and EU taxes, on Pandemics and Climate change!

2.   A prospering, strong, subsidiary Europe from Vladivostok to Reykjavik, in which all European countries wil cooperate together - in peace, freedom, diversely to the benefit of all - according the will of us citizens!


3.   A Europe that will take us seriously - as empowered and free, responsible, strong and self-confident citizens - and convinced Europeans - as its Souvereign - equipped with the ballot sheet, our Sword of Damocles!





In real time - résumé - now!*

Petition for our new Europa
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 73.8 KB
Constitution for our new Europe
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 205.9 KB



Results Petition

Number of signatures by country (question 4)


Ranking: Signatures by country

(Only countries with votes and with more than 100'000 inhabitants)


Ranking: Signatures by 100'000 inhabitants

(Only countries with votes and with more than 100'000 inhabitants)



Petition - Number of signatures by country

(Only countrie WITH votes with over 100'000 inhabitants)




A more "Swiss-like" Europe!

Europe's destiny is in your hands!
Only we citizens in all European countries, icl. Russia and Ukraine, still can save Europe! - With our sword of Damocles - Referenda!

 Image: An example of the the good offices of Switzerland - Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden (Geneva, June 17, 2021) - Photo: Tagesanzeiger
Putin/Parmelin/Biden in Switzerland (Geneva, 17.6.21)
Image: We are building our Europe bottom-up! - Together with - and for our children and grandchildren! - Photo: Children's Parliament in the Canton of Schwyz 2024.
Swiss Student's Parliament: "We are the Future!"
Bild: Ein Licht in der Finsternis - Grundlage unseres Seins
The Matterhorn - a Reflection of Eternity!



Ideas, Comments, Questions


Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.